Monday, March 31, 2008


this one thing i dont understand is,is it so hard to just "respect us students"......??after everything you put us through,dont you think we have the right for it? a little respect? you are taking all these effort to supposedly send a team to hydrabad,to Google`s office to close down this community,and to find me.and when you do,dismiss me,for saying out some truths aloud?after all,you are all priests of a great sure u will do the right thing.
would it have taken half the effort to just give us some love,some respect.

out of the million times ED2 and ED2.5 has taken the effort in shouting at you for keeping your ID card in the pocket,how many times have they inquired about your wellbeing?your happiness,your family?
and wanting them makes me a "criminal" can somebody not laugh at this?

i got a feed back that one student was restricted from coming down from her room,as QB commanded majestically that "you are not supposed to fill water after 9".like i said,im not do it.

now let me ask you.out of the parents reading this,how many of you will call up ED2 and ask him why the poor boy was suspended.7 times 250 Rs of his parents has no value at all?they enrolled him so that the authority can play games with their child`s life?

out of the injustice put up with us,the only time we students have expressed our discontent is when the "fine" menace had gotten out of hand at the ED1`s reign(at that time,students at hostel had to pay huge amount of money as fine if they visited their friend`s room asking for their books or to borrow a pen),and the second time was when they restricted students from the "girl`s" hostel to go home.all the other time,when ever and wherever you felt apt,you made rules.some times for the most stupid of reasons.and we,never went for a strike or any destructive routine.we suffered and beared them.

and to ED2, have transformed students into such defenseless "prathikaranasheshiyillatha " individuals,that once the news spread about the "suspension",or "restriction" from entering your your class or how ever you wanna call it,the membership in the community has come down to 22 from 40(which was just 40 not because they dint want to join,but they wer just scared)cant blame them.if they can suspend a student for carrying a thumb drive with this script,they sure can suspend ,or call the parents of the fourty of them,and take them thru the procedure of threatening them with a TC.and the rest cant unjoin because the site has been blocked in the college.but did you know that over 300 people visited the community in 5 days?and another 500 read thru the script?(including faculty).to the parents,so,still think what im writing are baseless lies,if i will gt such a huge response?will the college take the effort to shut down an internet site because a "misguided" student posted some "crap"?u judge.

and to ED2,in the name of god,i know that what im writing is the matter how much you cover it up,it will spread.thru thumbs,thru emails,thru blogs,phone calls,letters and would have to shut down the whole communication system and put us in individual dark cells to prevent that.i still cant imagine and digest why you will take this much effort regarding this.if you say that im insulting my home,why cant you make it feel like home?
give us a little respect.a little love.treat us like adults.

think of who is running around with their adrenaline them.

to my fellow friends.
we are all loved children of our parents.we joined this institution so that we can grow into respected individuals in the community.but they treat us this way saying that this is how it is going to be in the places that we are going to i ask you to respect yourself.we all have lost that sense of self respect that how ever badly we are treated by our authority,we dont have any problem.that will change only if you start respecting yourself.when you are in a position that you have t take decisions,about your family,about your profession,career,this is an important thing.

to the might be wondering why im still going on about "authority" treating us bad,but still not narrating much about it,just think back to the tme when your child kept telling you about all this,but you wouldnt listen and they stopped.

"girls" hostellers were asked to wash the floor of their rooms,with soap,water and scrubbers,the night before their model exams.

everytime a student comes and stands in the grilled corridors of the hostel,the superviser will come and ask why we are standing there,and send them to their rooms,or write their names and give it to ED2,so that they will have the pleasure of meeting him the next morning.

V at the girls hostel cannot keep our doors closed.during day or night,even when the CMC staff is in the building.

from a feedback-
a married-pregnant student in the girls hostel is denied the permission to take food upto her room in the hostel by QB.reason-if they dont wash and keep the plate clean,it may now she doesnt have dinner,so as to avoid climbing the stairs.
when asked for a room downstairs to avoid climbing the stairs,QB informed her that she can share a room with some senior student in the downfloor,whom,she doesnt really know and who really dint know her.when she asked if she could move down with her roommates,who she was sure will take care of her properly,she was answered with a no.

if a pregnant student is treated this way,do i even have to write more....??

but i will.

lots of regards,thanks and love,